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create_dataset() πŸ”—

A dataset defines the patients you want to include in your population and the variables you want to extract for them.

A dataset definition file must define a dataset called dataset:

dataset = create_dataset()

Add variables to the dataset as attributes:

dataset.age = patients.age_on("2020-01-01")

class Dataset() πŸ”—

Create a dataset with create_dataset.

define_population(population_condition) πŸ”—

Define the condition that patients must meet to be included in the Dataset, in the form of a boolean patient series e.g.

dataset.define_population(patients.date_of_birth < "1990-01-01")

For more detail see the how-to guide on defining populations.

add_column(column_name, ehrql_query) πŸ”—

Add a column to the dataset

The name of the new column, as a string.

An ehrQL query that returns one row per patient.

Using .add_column is equivalent to = for adding a single column but can also be used to add multiple columns, for example by iterating over a dictionary. For more details see the guide on "How to assign multiple columns to a dataset programmatically".

configure_dummy_data(population_size=10, legacy=False, timeout=60, oversample=2.0, additional_population_constraint=None, patient_weighting=None) πŸ”—

Configure the dummy data to be generated.

Maximum number of patients to generate.

Note that you may get fewer patients than this if the generator runs out of time – see timeout below.

Use legacy dummy data.

Maximum time in seconds to spend generating dummy data.

Dummy data generation will generate a larger population and then sample from it to improve the distribution of patients. This parameter controls how much larger. Lower values will be faster to generate, while larger values will get closer to the target distribution.

An additional ehrQL query that can be used to constrain the population that will be selected for dummy data. This is incompatible with legacy mode.

For example, if you wanted to ensure that two dates appear in a particular order in your dummy data, you could add additional_population_constraint = dataset.first_date < dataset.second_date.

You can also combine constraints with & as normal in ehrQL. e.g. additional_population_constraint =['male', 'female']) & ( patients.age_on(some_date) < 80) would give you dummy data consisting of only men and women who were under the age of 80 on some particular date.

Defines a "weight" expression that lets you control the distribution of patients. Ideally a patient row will be generated with probability proportionate to its weight, although this ideal will be imperfectly realised in practice. The higher the value of oversample the closer this ideal will to being realised.



Frames are the starting point for building any query in ehrQL. You can think of a Frame as being like a table in a database, in that it contains multiple rows and multiple columns. But a Frame can have operations applied to it like filtering or sorting to produce a new Frame.

You don't need to define any Frames yourself. Instead you import them from the various schemas available in ehrql.tables e.g.

from ehrql.tables.core import patients

Frames have columns which you can access as attributes on the Frame e.g.

dob = patients.date_of_birth

The schema documentation contains the full list of available columns for each Frame. For example, see ehrql.tables.core.patients.

Accessing a column attribute on a Frame produces a Series, which are documented elsewhere below.

Some Frames contain at most one row per patient, we call these PatientFrames; others can contain multiple rows per patient, we call these EventFrames.

class PatientFrame() πŸ”—

Frame containing at most one row per patient.

exists_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a boolean patient series which is True for each patient that has a row in this frame and False otherwise.

count_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return an integer patient series giving the number of rows each patient has in this frame.

Note this will be 0 rather than NULL if the patient has no rows at all in the frame.

class EventFrame() πŸ”—

Frame which may contain multiple rows per patient.

where(condition) πŸ”—

Return a new frame containing only the rows in this frame for which condition evaluates True.

Note that this excludes any rows for which condition is NULL.

except_where(condition) πŸ”—

Return a new frame containing only the rows in this frame for which condition evaluates False or NULL i.e. the exact inverse of the rows included by where().

sort_by(*sort_values) πŸ”—

Sort the rows for each patient by each of the supplied sort_values.

Where more than one sort value is supplied then the first (i.e. left-most) value has highest priority and each subsequent sort value will only be used as a tie-breaker in case of an exact match among previous values.

Note that NULL is considered smaller than any other value, so you may wish to filter out NULL values before sorting.

exists_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a boolean patient series which is True for each patient that has a row in this frame and False otherwise.

count_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return an integer patient series giving the number of rows each patient has in this frame.

Note this will be 0 rather than NULL if the patient has no rows at all in the frame.

class SortedEventFrame() πŸ”—

Frame which contains multiple rows per patient and has had one or more sort operations applied.

where(condition) πŸ”—

Return a new frame containing only the rows in this frame for which condition evaluates True.

Note that this excludes any rows for which condition is NULL.

except_where(condition) πŸ”—

Return a new frame containing only the rows in this frame for which condition evaluates False or NULL i.e. the exact inverse of the rows included by where().

sort_by(*sort_values) πŸ”—

Sort the rows for each patient by each of the supplied sort_values.

Where more than one sort value is supplied then the first (i.e. left-most) value has highest priority and each subsequent sort value will only be used as a tie-breaker in case of an exact match among previous values.

Note that NULL is considered smaller than any other value, so you may wish to filter out NULL values before sorting.

exists_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a boolean patient series which is True for each patient that has a row in this frame and False otherwise.

count_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return an integer patient series giving the number of rows each patient has in this frame.

Note this will be 0 rather than NULL if the patient has no rows at all in the frame.

first_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a PatientFrame containing, for each patient, the first matching row according to whatever sort order has been applied.

Note that where there are multiple rows tied for first place then the specific row returned is picked arbitrarily but consistently i.e. you shouldn't depend on getting any particular result, but the result you do get shouldn't change unless the data changes.

last_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a PatientFrame containing, for each patient, the last matching row according to whatever sort order has been applied.

Note that where there are multiple rows tied for last place then the specific row returned is picked arbitrarily but consistently i.e. you shouldn't depend on getting any particular result, but the result you do get shouldn't change unless the data changes.


A Series represents a column of values of a certain type. Some Series contain at most one value per patient, we call these PatientSeries; others can contain multiple values per patient, we call these EventSeries. Values can be NULL (i.e. missing) but a Series can never mix values of different types.

class BoolPatientSeries() πŸ”—

One row per patient series of type boolean

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self & other πŸ”—

Logical AND

Return a boolean series which is True where both this series and other are True, False where either are False, and NULL otherwise.

self | other πŸ”—

Logical OR

Return a boolean series which is True where either this series or other is True, False where both are False, and NULL otherwise.

~ self πŸ”—

Logical NOT

Return a boolean series which is the inverse of this series i.e. where True becomes False, False becomes True, and NULL stays as NULL.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},

class BoolEventSeries() πŸ”—

Multiple rows per patient series of type boolean

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self & other πŸ”—

Logical AND

Return a boolean series which is True where both this series and other are True, False where either are False, and NULL otherwise.

self | other πŸ”—

Logical OR

Return a boolean series which is True where either this series or other is True, False where both are False, and NULL otherwise.

~ self πŸ”—

Logical NOT

Return a boolean series which is the inverse of this series i.e. where True becomes False, False becomes True, and NULL stays as NULL.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
count_distinct_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a integer patient series counting the number of distinct values for each patient in the series (ignoring any NULL values). Not that if a patient has no values at all in the series the result will be zero rather than NULL.

class StrPatientSeries() πŸ”—

One row per patient series of type string

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self > other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly less than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self >= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is less than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self <= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is greater than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self < other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly greater than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
contains(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each string in this series which contains the corresponding value in other as a sub-string and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

class StrEventSeries() πŸ”—

Multiple rows per patient series of type string

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self > other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly less than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self >= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is less than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self <= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is greater than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self < other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly greater than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
contains(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each string in this series which contains the corresponding value in other as a sub-string and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

count_distinct_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a integer patient series counting the number of distinct values for each patient in the series (ignoring any NULL values). Not that if a patient has no values at all in the series the result will be zero rather than NULL.

minimum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the minimum value in the series for each patient (or NULL if the patient has no values).

maximum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the maximum value in the series for each patient (or NULL if the patient has no values).

class IntPatientSeries() πŸ”—

One row per patient series of type integer

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self > other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly less than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self >= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is less than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self <= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is greater than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self < other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly greater than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self + other πŸ”—

Return the sum of each corresponding value in this series and other (or NULL if either is NULL).

self - other πŸ”—

Return each value in this series with its corresponding value in other subtracted (or NULL if either is NULL).

self * other πŸ”—

Return the product of each corresponding value in this series and other (or NULL if either is NULL).

self / other πŸ”—

Return a series with each value in this series divided by its correponding value in other (or NULL if either is NULL).

Note that the result is always if a float even if the inputs are integers.

self // other πŸ”—

Return a series with each value in this series divided by its correponding value in other and then rounded down to the nearest integer value (or NULL if either is NULL).

Note that the result is always if an integer even if the inputs are floats.

- self πŸ”—

Return the negation of each value in this series.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
as_int() πŸ”—

Return each value in this series rounded down to the nearest integer.

as_float() πŸ”—

Return each value in this series as a float e.g 10 becomes 10.0

class IntEventSeries() πŸ”—

Multiple rows per patient series of type integer

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self > other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly less than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self >= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is less than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self <= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is greater than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self < other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly greater than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self + other πŸ”—

Return the sum of each corresponding value in this series and other (or NULL if either is NULL).

self - other πŸ”—

Return each value in this series with its corresponding value in other subtracted (or NULL if either is NULL).

self * other πŸ”—

Return the product of each corresponding value in this series and other (or NULL if either is NULL).

self / other πŸ”—

Return a series with each value in this series divided by its correponding value in other (or NULL if either is NULL).

Note that the result is always if a float even if the inputs are integers.

self // other πŸ”—

Return a series with each value in this series divided by its correponding value in other and then rounded down to the nearest integer value (or NULL if either is NULL).

Note that the result is always if an integer even if the inputs are floats.

- self πŸ”—

Return the negation of each value in this series.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
as_int() πŸ”—

Return each value in this series rounded down to the nearest integer.

as_float() πŸ”—

Return each value in this series as a float e.g 10 becomes 10.0

count_distinct_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a integer patient series counting the number of distinct values for each patient in the series (ignoring any NULL values). Not that if a patient has no values at all in the series the result will be zero rather than NULL.

minimum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the minimum value in the series for each patient (or NULL if the patient has no values).

maximum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the maximum value in the series for each patient (or NULL if the patient has no values).

sum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the sum of all values in the series for each patient.

mean_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the arithmetic mean of any non-NULL values in the series for each patient.

class FloatPatientSeries() πŸ”—

One row per patient series of type float

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self > other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly less than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self >= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is less than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self <= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is greater than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self < other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly greater than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self + other πŸ”—

Return the sum of each corresponding value in this series and other (or NULL if either is NULL).

self - other πŸ”—

Return each value in this series with its corresponding value in other subtracted (or NULL if either is NULL).

self * other πŸ”—

Return the product of each corresponding value in this series and other (or NULL if either is NULL).

self / other πŸ”—

Return a series with each value in this series divided by its correponding value in other (or NULL if either is NULL).

Note that the result is always if a float even if the inputs are integers.

self // other πŸ”—

Return a series with each value in this series divided by its correponding value in other and then rounded down to the nearest integer value (or NULL if either is NULL).

Note that the result is always if an integer even if the inputs are floats.

- self πŸ”—

Return the negation of each value in this series.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
as_int() πŸ”—

Return each value in this series rounded down to the nearest integer.

as_float() πŸ”—

Return each value in this series as a float e.g 10 becomes 10.0

class FloatEventSeries() πŸ”—

Multiple rows per patient series of type float

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self > other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly less than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self >= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is less than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self <= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is greater than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self < other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly greater than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self + other πŸ”—

Return the sum of each corresponding value in this series and other (or NULL if either is NULL).

self - other πŸ”—

Return each value in this series with its corresponding value in other subtracted (or NULL if either is NULL).

self * other πŸ”—

Return the product of each corresponding value in this series and other (or NULL if either is NULL).

self / other πŸ”—

Return a series with each value in this series divided by its correponding value in other (or NULL if either is NULL).

Note that the result is always if a float even if the inputs are integers.

self // other πŸ”—

Return a series with each value in this series divided by its correponding value in other and then rounded down to the nearest integer value (or NULL if either is NULL).

Note that the result is always if an integer even if the inputs are floats.

- self πŸ”—

Return the negation of each value in this series.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
as_int() πŸ”—

Return each value in this series rounded down to the nearest integer.

as_float() πŸ”—

Return each value in this series as a float e.g 10 becomes 10.0

count_distinct_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a integer patient series counting the number of distinct values for each patient in the series (ignoring any NULL values). Not that if a patient has no values at all in the series the result will be zero rather than NULL.

minimum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the minimum value in the series for each patient (or NULL if the patient has no values).

maximum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the maximum value in the series for each patient (or NULL if the patient has no values).

sum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the sum of all values in the series for each patient.

mean_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the arithmetic mean of any non-NULL values in the series for each patient.

class DatePatientSeries() πŸ”—

One row per patient series of type date

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self > other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly less than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self >= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is less than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self <= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is greater than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self < other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly greater than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self - other πŸ”—

Return a series giving the difference between each date in this series and other (see DateDifference).

year πŸ”—

Return an integer series giving the year of each date in this series.

month πŸ”—

Return an integer series giving the month (1-12) of each date in this series.

day πŸ”—

Return an integer series giving the day of the month (1-31) of each date in this series.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
to_first_of_year() πŸ”—

Return a date series with each date in this series replaced by the date of the first day in its corresponding calendar year.

to_first_of_month() πŸ”—

Return a date series with each date in this series replaced by the date of the first day in its corresponding calendar month.

is_before(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series that is earlier than its corresponding date in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_on_or_before(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series that is earlier than or the same as its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_after(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series that is later than its corresponding date in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_on_or_after(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series that is later than or the same as its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_between_but_not_on(start, end) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series which is strictly between (i.e. not equal to) the corresponding dates in start and end.

is_on_or_between(start, end) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series which is between or the same as the corresponding dates in start and end.

is_during(interval) πŸ”—

The same as is_on_or_between() above, but allows supplying a start/end date pair as single argument.

class DateEventSeries() πŸ”—

Multiple rows per patient series of type date

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

self > other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly less than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self >= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is less than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self <= other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is greater than or equal to its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self < other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series that is strictly greater than its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

self - other πŸ”—

Return a series giving the difference between each date in this series and other (see DateDifference).

year πŸ”—

Return an integer series giving the year of each date in this series.

month πŸ”—

Return an integer series giving the month (1-12) of each date in this series.

day πŸ”—

Return an integer series giving the day of the month (1-31) of each date in this series.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
to_first_of_year() πŸ”—

Return a date series with each date in this series replaced by the date of the first day in its corresponding calendar year.

to_first_of_month() πŸ”—

Return a date series with each date in this series replaced by the date of the first day in its corresponding calendar month.

is_before(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series that is earlier than its corresponding date in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_on_or_before(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series that is earlier than or the same as its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_after(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series that is later than its corresponding date in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_on_or_after(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series that is later than or the same as its corresponding value in other and False otherwise (or NULL if either value is NULL).

is_between_but_not_on(start, end) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series which is strictly between (i.e. not equal to) the corresponding dates in start and end.

is_on_or_between(start, end) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each date in this series which is between or the same as the corresponding dates in start and end.

is_during(interval) πŸ”—

The same as is_on_or_between() above, but allows supplying a start/end date pair as single argument.

count_distinct_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a integer patient series counting the number of distinct values for each patient in the series (ignoring any NULL values). Not that if a patient has no values at all in the series the result will be zero rather than NULL.

minimum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the minimum value in the series for each patient (or NULL if the patient has no values).

maximum_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return the maximum value in the series for each patient (or NULL if the patient has no values).

count_episodes_for_patient(maximum_gap) πŸ”—

Counts the number of "episodes" for each patient where dates which are no more than maximum_gap apart are considered part of the same episode. The maximum_gap duration can be specified in days() or weeks().

For example, suppose a patient has the following sequence of events:

Event ID Date
A 2020-01-01
B 2020-01-04
C 2020-01-06
D 2020-01-10
E 2020-01-12

And suppose we count the episodes here using a maximum gap of three days:


We will get an episode count of two: events A, B and C are considered as one episode and events D and E as another.

Note that events A and C are considered part of the same episode even though they are more than three days apart because event B is no more than three days apart from both of them. That is, the clock restarts with each new event in an episode rather than running from the first event in an episode.

class CodePatientSeries() πŸ”—

One row per patient series of type code

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
to_category(categorisation, default=None) πŸ”—

An alias for map_values which makes the intention clearer when working with codelists. See codelist_from_csv().

class CodeEventSeries() πŸ”—

Multiple rows per patient series of type code

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean series comparing each value in this series with its corresponding value in other.

Note that the result of comparing anything with NULL (including NULL itself) is NULL.

self != other πŸ”—

Return the inverse of == above.

Note that the same point regarding NULL applies here.

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
to_category(categorisation, default=None) πŸ”—

An alias for map_values which makes the intention clearer when working with codelists. See codelist_from_csv().

count_distinct_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a integer patient series counting the number of distinct values for each patient in the series (ignoring any NULL values). Not that if a patient has no values at all in the series the result will be zero rather than NULL.

class MultiCodeStringPatientSeries() πŸ”—

One row per patient series of type multi code string

self == other πŸ”—

This operation is not allowed because it is unlikely you would want to match the values in this field with an exact string e.g.

apcs.all_diagnoses == "||I302, K201, J180 || I302, K200, M920"
Instead you should use the contains or contains_any_of methods.

self != other πŸ”—

See above

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
contains(code) πŸ”—

Check if the list of codes contains a specific code string. This can either be a string (and prefix matching works so e.g. "N17" in ICD-10 would match all acute renal failure), or a clinical code. E.g.


contains_any_of(codelist) πŸ”—

Returns true if any of the codes in the codelist occur in the multi code field. As with the contains(code) method, the codelist can be a mixture of clinical codes and string prefixes, so e.g. this would work:

all_diagnoses.contains([ICD10Code("N170"), "N17"])

class MultiCodeStringEventSeries() πŸ”—

Multiple rows per patient series of type multi code string

self == other πŸ”—

This operation is not allowed because it is unlikely you would want to match the values in this field with an exact string e.g.

apcs.all_diagnoses == "||I302, K201, J180 || I302, K200, M920"
Instead you should use the contains or contains_any_of methods.

self != other πŸ”—

See above

is_null() πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is NULL, and False otherwise.

is_not_null() πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_null() above.

when_null_then(other) πŸ”—

Replace any NULL value in this series with the corresponding value in other.

Note that other must be of the same type as this series.

is_in(other) πŸ”—

Return a boolean series which is True for each value in this series which is contained in other, where other can be any of the standard "container" types (tuple, list, set, frozenset, or dict) or another event series.

is_not_in(other) πŸ”—

Return the inverse of is_in() above.

map_values(mapping, default=None) πŸ”—

Accepts a dictionary mapping one set of values to another and applies that mapping to the series e.g.

status = status_code.map_values(
    {1: "pending", 2: "accepted", 3: "completed"},
contains(code) πŸ”—

Check if the list of codes contains a specific code string. This can either be a string (and prefix matching works so e.g. "N17" in ICD-10 would match all acute renal failure), or a clinical code. E.g.


contains_any_of(codelist) πŸ”—

Returns true if any of the codes in the codelist occur in the multi code field. As with the contains(code) method, the codelist can be a mixture of clinical codes and string prefixes, so e.g. this would work:

all_diagnoses.contains([ICD10Code("N170"), "N17"])

count_distinct_for_patient() πŸ”—

Return a integer patient series counting the number of distinct values for each patient in the series (ignoring any NULL values). Not that if a patient has no values at all in the series the result will be zero rather than NULL.

Date ArithmeticπŸ”—

ehrQL supports adding and subtracting durations from dates e.g. date_of_admission + days(10) or date_of_discharge - weeks(6). It also supports finding the difference between dates e.g.

days_in_hospital = (date_of_discharge - date_of_admission).days

When working with dates you should generally prefer using days or weeks as units, rather than months or years, unless there's a specific reason you care about the calendar. Adding or subtracting days or weeks to a date is a simple, unambiguous process; adding years or months introduces ambiguities and complexities as neither unit is a consistent length (see section below for details). So, for example, unless there is specific epidemiological significance to whether an event happened exactly three calendar months ago, it is better to say "90 days" rather than "3 months".

Additionally, some dates in the patient data (e.g. dates of birth) have been rounded to the first of the month for privacy purposes. It's pointless applying precise calendar arithmetic to such dates.

Tip: it can be clearer to readers to write time periods as a product rather than just a number e.g. it's easier to see that days(5 * 365) is approximately five years than it is with days(1825).

Ambiguous DatesπŸ”—

Adding years or months to a date sometimes has a clear answer e.g. 1 January 2001 is exactly one calendar year later than 1 January 2000, and 1 February is exactly one calendar month later. But not all cases are clear, for instance: which day is exactly one year after 29 February 2000? There is no 29 February 2001, so should it be 28 February or 1 March? And which day is exactly one calendar month after 31 August? There is no 31 September, so should it be 30 September or 1 October? Different databases give different answers here.

ehrQL takes the approach that we consistently round up to the next date. That is, whenever the naΓ―ve calculation takes us to a date which doesn't exist (like 29 February 2001 or 31 September) we always take the next largest date (1 March 2001, or 1 October).

As different databases take different approaches here, ehrQL has to go to some lengths to ensure that we get the same results on every database we support. This introduces complexity into the generated SQL which may have performance costs in some circumstances. This is another reason to prefer unambiguous units of days and weeks where possible.

class DateDifference(lhs, rhs) πŸ”—

Represents the difference between two date series (i.e. it is what you get when you subtract one date series from another)

days πŸ”—

The value of the date difference in days (can be positive or negative)

weeks πŸ”—

The value of the date difference in whole weeks (can be positive or negative)

months πŸ”—

The value of the date difference in whole calendar months (can be positive or negative)

years πŸ”—

The value of the date difference in whole calendar years (can be positive or negative)

class days(value) πŸ”—

Represents a duration of time specified in days

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean indicating whether the two durations have the same value and units.

self != other πŸ”—

Return a boolean indicating whether the two durations do not have the same value and units.

self + other πŸ”—

Add this duration to a date to produce a new date.

Alternatively two durations with the same units may be added to produce a new duration.

self - other πŸ”—

Subtract another duration of the same units from this duration.

- self πŸ”—

Invert this duration so that rather that representing a movement, say, four weeks forwards in time it now represents a movement four weeks backwards.

starting_on(date) πŸ”—

Return a list of time intervals covering the duration starting on the supplied date. For example:

    (date(2000, 1, 1), date(2000, 1, 7)),
    (date(2000, 1, 8), date(2000, 1, 14)),
    (date(2000, 1, 15), date(2000, 1, 21)),

Useful for generating the intervals arguments to Measures.

ending_on(date) πŸ”—

Return a list of time intervals covering the duration ending on the supplied date. For example:

    (date(2000, 1, 1), date(2000, 1, 7)),
    (date(2000, 1, 8), date(2000, 1, 14)),
    (date(2000, 1, 15), date(2000, 1, 21)),

Useful for generating the intervals arguments to Measures.

class months(value) πŸ”—

Represents a duration of time specified in calendar months

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean indicating whether the two durations have the same value and units.

self != other πŸ”—

Return a boolean indicating whether the two durations do not have the same value and units.

self + other πŸ”—

Add this duration to a date to produce a new date.

Alternatively two durations with the same units may be added to produce a new duration.

self - other πŸ”—

Subtract another duration of the same units from this duration.

- self πŸ”—

Invert this duration so that rather that representing a movement, say, four weeks forwards in time it now represents a movement four weeks backwards.

starting_on(date) πŸ”—

Return a list of time intervals covering the duration starting on the supplied date. For example:

    (date(2000, 1, 1), date(2000, 1, 7)),
    (date(2000, 1, 8), date(2000, 1, 14)),
    (date(2000, 1, 15), date(2000, 1, 21)),

Useful for generating the intervals arguments to Measures.

ending_on(date) πŸ”—

Return a list of time intervals covering the duration ending on the supplied date. For example:

    (date(2000, 1, 1), date(2000, 1, 7)),
    (date(2000, 1, 8), date(2000, 1, 14)),
    (date(2000, 1, 15), date(2000, 1, 21)),

Useful for generating the intervals arguments to Measures.

class weeks(value) πŸ”—

Represents a duration of time specified in weeks

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean indicating whether the two durations have the same value and units.

self != other πŸ”—

Return a boolean indicating whether the two durations do not have the same value and units.

self + other πŸ”—

Add this duration to a date to produce a new date.

Alternatively two durations with the same units may be added to produce a new duration.

self - other πŸ”—

Subtract another duration of the same units from this duration.

- self πŸ”—

Invert this duration so that rather that representing a movement, say, four weeks forwards in time it now represents a movement four weeks backwards.

starting_on(date) πŸ”—

Return a list of time intervals covering the duration starting on the supplied date. For example:

    (date(2000, 1, 1), date(2000, 1, 7)),
    (date(2000, 1, 8), date(2000, 1, 14)),
    (date(2000, 1, 15), date(2000, 1, 21)),

Useful for generating the intervals arguments to Measures.

ending_on(date) πŸ”—

Return a list of time intervals covering the duration ending on the supplied date. For example:

    (date(2000, 1, 1), date(2000, 1, 7)),
    (date(2000, 1, 8), date(2000, 1, 14)),
    (date(2000, 1, 15), date(2000, 1, 21)),

Useful for generating the intervals arguments to Measures.

class years(value) πŸ”—

Represents a duration of time specified in calendar years

self == other πŸ”—

Return a boolean indicating whether the two durations have the same value and units.

self != other πŸ”—

Return a boolean indicating whether the two durations do not have the same value and units.

self + other πŸ”—

Add this duration to a date to produce a new date.

Alternatively two durations with the same units may be added to produce a new duration.

self - other πŸ”—

Subtract another duration of the same units from this duration.

- self πŸ”—

Invert this duration so that rather that representing a movement, say, four weeks forwards in time it now represents a movement four weeks backwards.

starting_on(date) πŸ”—

Return a list of time intervals covering the duration starting on the supplied date. For example:

    (date(2000, 1, 1), date(2000, 1, 7)),
    (date(2000, 1, 8), date(2000, 1, 14)),
    (date(2000, 1, 15), date(2000, 1, 21)),

Useful for generating the intervals arguments to Measures.

ending_on(date) πŸ”—

Return a list of time intervals covering the duration ending on the supplied date. For example:

    (date(2000, 1, 1), date(2000, 1, 7)),
    (date(2000, 1, 8), date(2000, 1, 14)),
    (date(2000, 1, 15), date(2000, 1, 21)),

Useful for generating the intervals arguments to Measures.


codelist_from_csv(filename, column, category_column=None) πŸ”—

Read a codelist from a CSV file as either a list or a dictionary (for categorised codelists).

Path to the file on disk, relative to the root of your repository. (Remember to use UNIX/style/forward-slashes not Windows\style\backslashes.)

Name of the column in the CSV file which contains the codes.

Optional name of a column in the CSV file which contains categories to which each code should be mapped. If this argument is passed then the resulting codelist will be a dictionary mapping each code to its corresponding category. This can be passed to the to_category() method to map a series of codes to a series of categories.


case(*when_thens, otherwise=None) πŸ”—

Take a sequence of condition-values of the form:


And evaluate them in order, returning the value of the first condition which evaluates True. If no condition matches, return the otherwise value; if no otherwise value is specified then return NULL.

For example:

category = case(
    when(size < 10).then("small"),
    when(size < 20).then("medium"),
    when(size >= 20).then("large"),

Note that because the conditions are evaluated in order we don't need the condition for "medium" to specify (size >= 10) & (size < 20) because by the time the condition for "medium" is being evaluated we already know the condition for "small" is False.

A simpler form is available when there is a single condition. This example:

category = case(
    when(size < 15).then("small"),

can be rewritten as:

category = when(size < 15).then("small").otherwise("large")

maximum_of(value, other_value, *other_values) πŸ”—

Return the maximum value of a collection of Series or Values, disregarding NULLs

For example:

latest_event_date = maximum_of(,, "2001-01-01")

minimum_of(value, other_value, *other_values) πŸ”—

Return the minimum value of a collection of Series or Values, disregarding NULLs

For example:

ealiest_event_date = minimum_of(,, "2001-01-01")


Measures are used for calculating the ratio of one quantity to another as it varies over time, and broken down by different demographic (or other) groupings.

create_measures() πŸ”—

A measure definition file must define a collection of measures called measures.

measures = create_measures()

class Measures() πŸ”—

Create a collection of measures with create_measures.

define_measure(name, numerator=None, denominator=None, group_by=None, intervals=None) πŸ”—

Add a measure to the list of measures to be generated.

The name of the measure, as a string. Only used to identify the measure in the output. Must start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters.

The numerator definition, which must be a patient series but can be either boolean or integer.

The denominator definition, which must be a patient series but can be either boolean or integer.

Optional groupings to break down the results by. Must be supplied as a dictionary of the form:

    "group_name": group_definition,

  • each group_name becomes a column in the output. It must contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters and must start with a letter. It also must not clash with any reserved column names like "numerator" or "ratio".

  • each group_definition must be a categorical patient series (i.e. a patient series which takes only a fixed set of values).

A list of start/end date pairs over which to evaluate the measures. These can be most conveniently generated using the starting_on()/ending_on() methods on years, months, and weeks e.g.

intervals = months(12).starting_on("2020-01-01")

The numerator, denominator and intervals arguments can be omitted if default values for them have been set using define_defaults().

define_defaults(numerator=None, denominator=None, group_by=None, intervals=None) πŸ”—

When defining several measures which share common arguments you can reduce repetition by defining default values for the measures.

Note that you can only define a single set of defaults and attempting to call this method more than once is an error.

configure_dummy_data(population_size=10, legacy=False, timeout=60) πŸ”—

Configure the dummy data to be generated.

Maximum number of patients to generate.

Note that you may get fewer patients than this if the generator runs out of time – see timeout below.

Use legacy dummy data.

Maximum time in seconds to spend generating dummy data.

configure_disclosure_control(enabled=True) πŸ”—

Configure disclosure control.

By default, numerators and denominators are subject to disclosure control. First, values less than or equal to seven are replaced with zero (suppressed); then, values are rounded to the nearest five.

To disable disclosure control:


For more information about disclosure control in OpenSAFELY, please see the "Updated disclosure control guidance" page.


This is a placeholder value to be used when defining numerator, denominator and group_by columns in a measure. This allows these definitions to be written once and then be automatically evaluated over multiple different intervals. It can be used just like any pair of dates in ehrQL e.g.

start_date πŸ”—

Placeholder for the start date (inclusive) of the interval. Can be used like any other date e.g.

end_date πŸ”—

Placeholder for the end date (inclusive) of the interval. Can be used like any other date e.g.